Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mail Delivery Babies

The recent FB photo showing the cute "babies" poking their heads out of mail bags peaked my interest to learn more about this piece of mail delivery history.  A quick Google search led me to the following US Government info site:

Sure enough, it happened in 1913, the same year the US Post Office began delivering packages. In 1914 Postal regulations changed to prohibit the mail delivery of humans, but the practice didn’t stop completely until 1915.

The first boy to be delivered by mail went only a mile to his grandmother’s house.  It cost 15 cents, but he was insured for $50.  Other children reportedly went for a dime up to 53 cents. One six year old girl traveled by mail train and reports show she was just under the 50 pound limit. The 721 mile trip from Florida to Virginia cost 15 cents.
Usually the child mail deliveries were made by a trusted family friend and there were regulations created for this “special delivery” service.  According to the US Gov site, there were “no heartbreaking cases of a baby being stamped “Return to Sender” on record.”

When I first saw these photos, my historical fiction writing mind leapt into high gear imagining what stories could be told from the child or parent’s point of view.  And “what if” question made for both intrigue and drama. What if the baby were delivered to the wrong place?  What if no one were there to receive the parcel?

Then my “mom” persona kicked in with thoughts about trust and safety. One FB friend pointed out that we have our own version of sending children today when we turn them over to airline companies for long flights across the country. We wouldn’t do that unless we had faith that they would arrive at their destinations safely, would we?

Still, a baby looking innocently out from a mail carrier’s bag pulls on the heart strings in a different way.  It opens up a vast number of questions about the history of the times and the life style of the people.  Most of the child deliveries were rural and the distance of travel less than 50 miles. Fifty miles was a lot farther in 1913 than it is today. In a mail bag, that might have been an eternity for a small child. 

However, it might also be that in those days a willingness to trust others was more prevalent. Today newscasts and other media fuel our fears and eclipse our faith in the good will of others.

The landscape and life-style of the past are gone, but we can incorporate lessons of simplicity into our daily lives. Mail bag or jet, we continue to be human. We can choose trust over fear and faith over skepticism. And we still need to rely on others.  

For the complete story about this unique piece of history read “Very Special Deliveries” by Nancy Pope, Historian and Curator of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum

Thursday, February 13, 2014

This Little Piggy Went to Market

I’m a little embarrassed that I haven’t written a blog since just after Insects in the Infield came out.  A good deal of it has been procrastinating; some of it has been spent doing edits for a new book; then there was the Christmas holidays...  But since it’s now past Valentines Day, that’s not going to work for an excuse. In my defense, a good share of time has been spent marketing--fattening the pig, so to speak.

I’m not sure if this makes me hungry or tired.  But like many writers, trying to break the marketing code is a constant, never-ending task. 

Many of the marketing "to dos" are standard.  A typical list would look a little like this:  Social Media blurbs, ordering or creating book marks or postcards, getting information to the local newspapers, line up book signings…

For my traditionally published books, I had help, but this self-published pig squealed for more. I needed to work harder for exposure and to get the word out.

A big question for me was who does reviews for independently published books? I spent one full day (at least) combing the internet for review sites.  There are plenty out there, but I was specifically interested in children’s book reviewers--a niche of its own.  Most reviewers I contacted required an email request.  Some of them asked for a synopsis, ISBN, cover photo, or other specific information, but it varied, so it took time to customize each email. 

Out of my "queries"  I received two positive responses.  One reviewer from Long and Short Reviews did a lovely post on the site with permission for me to clip and re-post.  Here’s the link:

This may not seem like a great result for hours spent on an internet search, but I was thrilled.  Not only was it a good review, but I mined a great line from the review:  “Insects in the Infield is Animal Planet meets ESPN.” A phrase I’ve repeated often and used as a pitch. It definitely fattened the pig.

Next I spent some time thinking about niche markets for my book.  Both baseball and nature came to mind. After an internet search for nature-related museums in Colorado, I phoned and/or sent emails to the gift shop managers.  Butterfly Pavilion in Denver-- --said they’d buy.  This was a small step for an insect, and a giant leap for a pig. Although the payment I will receive via this market is small, the opportunity to get the book in front of hundreds of museum visitors is priceless. 

Last but not least, I stepped out of my comfort zone and did a book launch at a local community center.  The fun this event provided far out-weighed the angst of organizing and setting it up.  It was wonderful to see friends and community members, share cake, punch and conversations.  AND it served as a healthy reminder that while reaching out for reviews, markets, and exposure in the world at large, the love and support from those close to home cannot be replaced or appreciated more.  

I'm sure I haven't exhausted all the marketing possibilities that exist, but I'm not the pig that "had none" and so far I haven't started crying.